I want to live like no other!!!
My husband, Channing, and I just finished an amazing small group...Financial Peace University. It's a Dave Ramsey course which teaches you how to become debt free...including your home. This is where I got the idea for the title of my blog. Dave teaches that if you will "live like no other now," one day, you can "live like no other." His point is this...if you live modestly now and only buy the things you have to have, and if you use your extra money to pay off ALL your debt (yes ALL of it--including your home AND car), one day you will be able to live like no other. You will have money to use for vacations, for things you enjoy, and money to pass on to your children and grandchildren. I think about that, and it really excites me! Before taking this small group, I just kind of thought (like many Americans) that Channing and I would always have a car payment and always have a house payment. I mean, doesn't everyone??? Now I think...wow! When we pay off our final two credit cards...we'll have XXX more money each month. Then, when we pay off my student loan, we'll have XXX extra money each month. Wow! Can you imagine how much extra money we'll have when we pay off Channing's chiropractic school loans and our home?! Wow! We'll be rich!!!
Dave also teaches the importance of having an emergency fund. This keeps you from using credit cards for emergencies. I mean...it sounds so simple. So why didn't Channing and I think of this before???
The part of this that is so hard is denying ourselves the pleasures we had become accustomed to. Before, when we wanted to buy a new shirt, we would buy a new shirt. If we wanted to go on a cruise...who cares if we have a $1,500 credit card...let's use $3,000 and go on a cruise. We have learned so much. As the Bible teaches, "He who gathers money little by little makes it grow." That's our plan. If God said it...it's got to be the BEST plan. I mean, He made me and our money. Actually, let me correct myself...He made His money. All that we have belongs to Him. I just thank God that He led Channing and me to our church and to this group. Our lives have been drastically changed; and not only have our lives been changed, but so have the lives of our children and grandchildren. PRAISE JESUS!!!
Thanks, Leslie! That's one thing I love about our church...the people we have met and the relationships we've formed. It is so awesome to know so many other people who strive to "live like no other", not just with finances ,but with everyday pressures and decisions. I love having relationships with people who truly love Jesus! I just praise God every day that he led us to so many wonderful people (including you and your beautiful family)!!!
I'm glad I got to see ya'll at the park too! What a nice surprise it was!!!
Dollface, I'm proud of you as all-get-out for doing FPU and deep-sixing your debt. Dave's plan makes tons of sense, doesn't it? Way to go and good luck, baby! www.debtective.com
I really enjoyed your blog, and share a lot of the same thoughts regarding our kids. My wife and I also participated in the Dave Ramsey, Financial Peace University Study this past year and are working on adapting the principle learned in this course.
We have three beautiful girls, ages 10, 8 and 5 (they are a handful). We are making every effort to raise them up in the fear and admonition of the Lord. It’s good to hear other believers express and share their stories. Keep Jesus first!
A, you know Tadd and I do this too! Just a quick testimonial. Tadd got laid off from his job 2 weeks before I was due to have Hadley. If it weren't for our emergency fund, we'd be in deep trouble. Now, it's taking some time to build it back up, but I did learn how important it was to have it. Be a nerd!
annie, all I can say...is I am so encouraged reading your blogs.
We too have learned to live frugally. We do not have a mortgage and only 1 car note, my husband business vehicle. In a world that praises excess it is difficult to keep your eyes on our heavenly Father and what His word says about debt and money. I learned the hard way, but I am thankful for the lessons. Don't give up, it will be worth it!
Lisa Q.
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